The Black Catimage

During the first semester of 2014 the English 3 class read The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe The story is somewhat famous for showing the deterioration of the main charters mind. The Story starts off with a normal man who starts to drink and see things. He ends up becoming abusive to his wife and his beloved animals. After he kills his cat for bitting him his illusions go from bad to worse he sees he dead cat in his wall, in his dreams, and in another cat that he adopts. This cat drives him crazy to the point of him killing his wife and stuffing her inside his wall. When the cops show up everything looks normal till the cat, who had been buried in the walls, starts to meow.

In the Great Gatsby we do not see Jay Gatsby lose his mid as fast and as vividly as we see in the Black Cat. Jay Gatsby does lose his mind though. He is stuck in his own little world, a world of the past. He can’t seem to get the fact that his one and only love Daisy Buchanan is no longer in love with him and has moved on in her life. Gatsby waits for her for five years and when they meat again (after she is married) he expects her to be just as in love with her as she was five years ago. When Gatsby finally realizes this he feels as if he as failed at everything he had been working for. In the end of chapter 8 right before Gatsby dies it almost seems like he don’t care anymore about what happened. He failed there is nothig else for him. Gatsby in this way loses his mind and everything he had worked for. At the end of the day no one knew him and no one care for him. Gatsby had no tale to be told. He was no longer” The Great Gatsby”.  I think Gatsby realized this.